My lovely little terranium

So, today my husband and I were feeling a little green-fingered and creative. We had seen a terranium on a website which we thought would go great in our newly decorated lounge, but didn’t fancy paying fifty quid for it and thought that we could give it a good go ourselves. So off to the garden centre we trotted and this is what we ended up creating. Feeling rather proud. What do you think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments box.

Here’s what you’ll need if you wanted to have a go at this yourselves:

  • Moss
  • Compost
  • Charcoal
  • Gravel and stones
  • Succulent plants
  • A glass container

All of these items were either from a garden centre, a fish/pet store or our own garden. Can be made for well under twenty pounds if you can recycle an old glass container. Love a cheap DIY project!



  1. Firstly, you’ll need to find yourselves a nice glass container. We picked ours up from Debenhams for about £20 but you may already have something in the cupboard. Add some stones to the bottom of this. We pinched some grey stone chips from our front garden!
  2. Next, pour some gravel on top of the stones. We got our gravel from a fish supplies store.
  3. Add a thin layer of charcoal to the gravel. We also picked our ‘Fluval’ up from a fish supplies store for a few pounds.
  4. Now add some compost and your succulent plants. We went for three which had pretty colours and which were completely different to one another. There’s loads to choose from and you could even choose cacti. The fun part is choosing plants to suit you or your room.
  5. Bed down with more soil and add some moss to the top, around the plants to keep them moist.
  6. Give a good spray of water, take a picture and show off on Facebook. Job done.

Happy terraniumering mother bloggers!
