
If you have stumbled across this blog, then hello. Welcome to my blog! I invite you to grab some cake, pour a drink and get comfortable. It’s a casual kind of hang out.

I am a thirty year old mum of two, a wife, a secondary school English teacher and an enthusiast of various different hobbies. They change all of the time. This month it’s yoga; last month was up-cycling furniture. As the title of my blog suggests, I am very busy. So why write this blog? Because I love a good hobby, I love to write and I love to ramble on about myself and my interests.

To save my husband from having to roll his eyes and sigh as I start explaining why my next project is going to be lots of fun and save us pots of cash, I thought I’d share it with you instead. You’ll probably be more interested. And enthusiastic. And patient. Hopefully.

This will be my little hang out where I can share my little finds, my new ideas, and my favourite pastimes with like-minded people. From yoga, to crochet. From up-cycling, to makeup. From fashion, to baking. From soap making, to dress making. If you have something you want to throw into the mix, please do. I’m very open minded to new ventures which keep me entertained. And please do comment. I will get very excited if you do!


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