Sew cool!

Sewing has become quite cool just lately. Have you noticed that? In the winter, I got into a TV programme called, ‘The Great British Sewing Bee’. A lot like ‘The Great British Bake Off’, amateur sewers would compete each week to make various garments, getting eliminated until there was just one winner. The ultimate seamstress. I grew envious of these people who could choose their own gorgeous fabric and then make anything which their heart desired. If only I could whip up my own dress; that would save me loads of money and my wardrobe would be so unique! I was becoming inspired. Uh oh.

My lovely friend noticed my interest in this new hobby and for my birthday, she bought me ‘The Great British Sewing Bee’ book. Yes! So it was decided. I was going to make some clothes. The most I’d ever sewn was a button onto a shirt (even that fell off two days later) and so this was going to be… Experimental.

Here’s what I started with:

  • Polka Dot medium weight fabric (playing it safe with a simple pattern)
  • Thread
  • Box Pleat skirt pattern (‘Very Easy’ level apparently)
  • Zip
  • Hook fastening
  • Interfacing (makes the waist band more stiff)
Sewing supplies

Sewing supplies

I won’t bull crap you, it took me about 6 hours, a lot of unpicking, three glasses of wine and a lot of language which I wouldn’t use in the classroom. The zip was the most difficult bit and I ended up having to buy a new one because my first one frayed from being unpicked four times. However, I’m pretty pleased with the result. I’m no Great British Sewing Bee but my skirt is wearable at least.

Front of skirt

Front view

I have since made another which took me only four hours and one glass of wine. See, practise makes perfect guys. This one was made from material which I fell in love with on my first visit to the fabric shop. I added a few more pleats and made it longer as I wanted a midi skirt for work (getting cocky now). I personally love it and have had a few nice comments from my students at school, BUT my husband thinks it’s revolting. What do you think? You can be honest, I won’t cry too much.


Second skirt

So, moral of this story? Give sewing a go. Even a cack-handed girl like me can make something acceptable.

Till next time mother bloggers,

Kelly x

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